Summary of Water Conservation Drought & Emergency Contingency Plan
The District’s Fourth Amended Drought Contingency Plan was adopted on November 19, 2012, for times of severe shortage of rainfall and decreased water supply, and to ensure that adequate supplies of water are maintained in the District. During such times, the District will distribute information to its residents and other users of water regarding water conservation.
In general, drought conditions are reached when the water supply reaches 80% of the District’s production capacity for three consecutive days. During such times, the following measures are taken:
- The District will inform water users of the drought conditions, and any restrictions on water use by notices and press releases.
- During mild drought conditions (75% capacity), the District will recommend that users voluntarily reduce water use. Outdoor water use (lawn watering, car washing, etc.) will be limited as follows: even-numbered addresses may use water outdoors only on Wednesdays and Sundays and odd-numbered addresses may use water outdoors only on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Outdoor water use shall be prohibited between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., and between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.
- During moderate drought conditions (85% capacity), in addition to the above requirements, outdoor water use may be conducted with a hand-held hose only. The District will also recommend that non-essential water usage such as the filling of swimming pools and street washing be curtailed.
- During severe drought conditions (90% capacity), outdoor water use will be prohibited, a surcharge will be applied on water use in excess of 10,000 gallons per month, and in emergency situations the District may prohibit water use not essential to health and safety related uses, and impose penalties for violation of emergency response measures. These penalties may include written notification for the first violation, and monetary penalties and discontinuation of service for subsequent violations. Variances may also be granted for emergency conditions affecting health, sanitation and fire protection.
The above summary is provided for information purposes only. For a complete understanding, please click here for the complete Drought Contingency Plan.